hello internet o/
By cun83 on 23:02
Filed Under: Arduino, breadboard, english, Hack a Day, Hacked Gadgets, introduction, microcontroller, mightyOhm, uC
A new blog is born... yes... another one.
As you might have guessed, this blog's subtitle is a tribute to the formidable mightyOhm Blog, which made me finally do what I was planning to do for a long time, and what this blog will be about:
No, it's not semi-bad English, it's about hardware-hackery, tinkering and mischief!
mightyOhm's great series and tutorial about building a webradio out of a cheap consumer wifi router, embedded linux (kind of), a microcontroller and some assorted hardware parts, finally sparked the fire that has been on the border of ignition for a long time, heated by great hack resource sites like Hack a Day and Hacked Gadgets.
So, I finally got my stuff (and not-so-spare spare money) together, bought an Arduino Duemilanove, a solderless breadboard and lots of parts to finally get into the wondrous world of microcontrollers and hardware tinkering.
Additionally, I will post other random stuff about software, hardware and geeky subjects I work or play with. Or whatever tech-related infos I feel like sharing, really.
So stay tuned (did you really read this far?), first content-post to follow tomorrow.
Spoiler: It will be about a popular uC platform, a potentiometer, 2 buttons, a few 7 segment displays, a RGB LED, transistors, resistors, looots of jumper wire, and a breadboard. An it's running right now. Next to me. Wow.
Best regards, cun83
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