I'm currently playing with a new design template here, so layout will change a lot the next hours. And don't worry about dead links and stuff, it will be fixed ;-)
Regards, cun83
new fritzing version & s65 tft schematics
By cun83 on 16:34
Filed Under: analog pin, Arduino, breadboard, digital pin, english, Fritzing, LCD, microcontroller, optocoupler, S65, schematics, TFT, uC
There is a new version of Fritzing out for 2 days now. Yay!
I jumped onto the opportunity and created some schematics for the S65 TFT display while playing with the new version.
More about the new Fritzing version and the schematics after the jump...
siemens s65 tft - part 2 - it's working!
I finally got my screen to work! Here are some background information AND working standalone Arduino code/sketch to test your S65 TFT!
More after the jump...