Design changes

By cun83 on 11:49

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I'm currently playing with a new design template here, so layout will change a lot the next hours. And don't worry about dead links and stuff, it will be fixed ;-)

Regards, cun83

new fritzing version & s65 tft schematics

There is a new version of Fritzing out for 2 days now. Yay!
I jumped onto the opportunity and created some schematics for the S65 TFT display while playing with the new version.

More about the new Fritzing version and the schematics after the jump...

siemens s65 tft - part 2 - it's working!

By cun83 on 13:51

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I finally got my screen to work! Here are some background information AND working standalone Arduino code/sketch to test your S65 TFT!

More after the jump...

siemens s65 tft - part 1 - breakout & mount

By cun83 on 21:31

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Woot! My small TFT display arrived today, after only 2 days!
It's a mobile phone display for old Siemens phones (CX65/CX70/M65/S65/CXT70/CXV70).

Here is a picture of it:

 Now, all I need to do is solder onto the connector...

mood lamp - part 4 - the code

As promised, here comes the code, along with the Fritzing file as a schematic view of the whole thing.

Hit the jump for the downloads. No wall of text his time.

mood lamp - part 3 - schematics

Ready to get to the real stuff? In comes the schematics!

All these have been done with Fritzing, a circuit design tool for Arduino users and beginners in general.
While it is still in alpha phase and therefore has quite a few annoying bugs, it is definitely usable and easy to use.

Anyway, here is the breadboard view of the design:

mood lamp - part 2 - pin considerations

One basic thing to consider when doing stuff on the Arduino is the usage of the input and output pins.

The Arduino has 14 digital I/O pins, each configurable as input or output, and 6 analog inputs, so there is a hard limit to the amount of pins you have available. So, a basic plan is needed for this little project to avoid too many design errors and reconfigurations.

mood lamp - part 1 - overview

As promised here, the first content post on tinyLogic! Yay \o/

After some basic tests of my recently acquired Arduino Duemilanove and assorted components, I was ready to implement something more complex, and learn more of the basics along the way. I got a lot of interesting (and cheap) components from a german surplus online store, so I decided to incorporate the following components into the build:

  • linear slide potentiometer (some user interface that is not an on/off button)
  • RGB LED (blinking is fascinating, colorful blinking is even more so!)
  • 7-segment LED display(s) (I wanted some meaningful output)
  • transistors (digital switches, also fascinating)
  • Arduino (something to control, and therefore power!)

hello internet o/

A new blog is born... yes... another one.

As you might have guessed, this blog's subtitle is a tribute to the formidable mightyOhm Blog, which made me finally do what I was planning to do for a long time, and what this blog will be about:
No, it's not semi-bad English, it's about hardware-hackery, tinkering and mischief!

mightyOhm's great series and tutorial about building a webradio out of a cheap consumer wifi router, embedded linux (kind of), a microcontroller and some assorted hardware parts, finally sparked the fire that has been on the border of ignition for a long time, heated by great hack resource sites like Hack a Day and Hacked Gadgets.

So, I finally got my stuff (and not-so-spare spare money) together, bought an Arduino Duemilanove, a solderless breadboard and lots of parts to finally get into the wondrous world of microcontrollers and hardware tinkering.

Additionally, I will post other random stuff about software, hardware and geeky subjects I work or play with. Or whatever tech-related infos I feel like sharing, really.

So stay tuned (did you really read this far?), first content-post to follow tomorrow.

Spoiler: It will be about a popular uC platform, a potentiometer, 2 buttons, a few 7 segment displays, a RGB LED, transistors, resistors, looots of jumper wire, and a breadboard. An it's running right now. Next to me. Wow.

Best regards, cun83